Do PetHub tags work internationally?

We are super excited that folks all over the world want the "Powered by PetHub” pet ID tags and collars (and, yes, we can ship worldwide!).


There are 3 critical factors when it comes to our service no matter where you live:

  1. Good GPS map data through Google (most countries have EXCELLENT mapping data, others...not so much).
  2. Major mobile carriers that support GPS services.
  3. A high population of people who either have access to smartphones or a computer for easy look-up of a web address.

If your area meets all of these criteria, than our tags and services would work well for you.

By the way, the phone number pre-printed on most of our ID tags is a North American exchange. If you want your own phone number and county exchange on the tag, you would need to purchase one of our personalized tags. You can view all of our tag options at